Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Attack of the arrogant, know-it-all nerds.

Leasing Agent's Pet Peeve Of The Day:

Rudeness. Why oh why oh why oh why do some people feel the need to be rude to a complete stranger who they want to rent from? Granted, this is the type of person who tends to be rude to everybody anyway because they were bullied in elementary school and forever feel like they have to prove themselves. However, do you really, really think that if you are extremely rude to the person that you are relying on to do the best they can so you have a place to live, they will do their best to help you out?

Nope. Not going to happen. If you don't have respect for me, there will be zero respect for you. Bottom of the barrel, back of the line, end of the list.

Case in point- Extreme dorky girl needs to move in with her equally as dorky, arrogant, jerk of a husband. We find out that they're a match made in heaven, as she's an arrogant jerk as well.

 Not even cool, funny to laugh at, ironic nerd.
Just plain pitiful, tragic nerd.

 Michelle and I have a saying- there is nothing worse than a nerd who is so socially incapable that they think they're the shit, and will condescend accordingly.

Somebody must have really picked on her for her to be as defensive as she is now. She comes into the office for the first time to pick up an application of residency. Every person over 18 needs one so we can do background checks. It's a basic qualification that every complex you will ever apply to do. We don't have unrealistic expectations here- don't be a criminal, make enough money, and have a history of being a good tenant. That's all we ask!

What a huff she made about filling out an application! Every question she had to write an answer to was accompanied with a face, a whine, a moan, a sigh, a huff, and reluctant writing. She whined, smirked to laugh at us, to condescend! All because she has some fingerprint clearance card. I get it, you can prove you aren't a neighborhood perv (even though she looked like one- squinty eyed adult with braces, socially immature behavior, you get the drill). But we can't tell your credit and landlord record with that. After her half-assed attempt to fill out an application and providing as little information as possible, she finally leaves and we look at her application- we can barely do anything with it. Half of the phone numbers we have to research on the internet.

So, she makes our jobs just that much harder. Add that up with a bitchy attitude and we will do our best to not help you. Want help? Be nice to the helpers.


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